Marble Queen Pothos
Plant type:- Trailing vine
Light requirement:-Outdoors, pothos can be grown inshade to partial shade. Indoors, pothos preferbright but indirect light. paler-looking leaves mean the plant is getting too much sun.
Water:-Pothos like to have their soil dry out completely between waterings. If lef continually in damp soil, the roots will rot. Black spots on the leaves and the sudden collapse of the plant indicate the soil has been kept too wet.
Fertilizer:-Pothos aren’t heavy feeders, but since there are no nutrients in most potting soils, feed monthly to bi-monthly with any balancedhouseplant fertilizer.
Payment Policy
● 100% upfront payment is required to confirm the order. You can pay by Khalti, e-Sewa, Fonepay (Scan & Pay), IME Pay, Bank, Master Card, VISA, Cheque or Cash.
● In the case of Cash or Cheque:
○ to confirm the order by cash payment - Latest by 24 hours prior to the date of execution,
○ Through cheque - 3 working days prior to the event.
Cancellation Policy
● More than 24 hours before experience: Cancellation with 90% Refund
● 6 hours to 24 hours before an experience: Cancellation with 50% Refund
● Less than 6 hours before experience: No Refund on Cancellation
Reschedule Policy
● More than 24 hours before experience: Rescheduling at Zero Fee
● 6 hours to 24 hours before experience: Rescheduling at 20% Fee
● Less than 6 hours before experience: No Rescheduling
In case of bad weather or any similar circumstances which are out of Offering Happiness’s control, the service could attract some changes such as location change or postponement or another conducive option.
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